
Predicting Airbnb house prices

We will explore a variety of learning techniques in order to find the best model that can predict the rental price of the Airbnb …

Visualization with Pokemon

We will learn how to use ggplot2 library to create a neat and more elaborate plot than the base plot r function

Is Roulette the Best Way to Make Money?

We will try to make a roulette simulation and investigate whether we will make a profit or loss by playing randomly

Basic Exploratory Data Analysis and Simple Linear Regression in Python

Learn how to do basic EDA in Python using Jupyter notebooks

Creating a Mosaic [Part. 2]

We will build a function to create our own mosaic

Creating a Mosaic [Part. 1]

We will build a function to create our own mosaic

Are Sleep Trackers Effective?

Personal sleep tracking devices are becoming more and more popular. Statistical learning techniques are used to determine if it is …